HypnotherapyEmotional Freedom TechniqueNonviolent Communication



through Authenticity

Clear and Courageous Communication

Guided Self-Reflection

Neurolinguistic Programming



Recognizing, Accepting and Expressing Needs

What do I want, What do I not want.

Nonviolent Communication according to

Marshall B. Rosenberg


Alternative Medicine

Alternative Healing Methods as an Opportunity

Healing from the inside out


Emotional Freedom Technique



Hypnotherapy is suitable as a therapy method for adults as well as for children and adolescents.


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Our body always makes sense

Our body and soul give us clues as to what is going on inside us through appearances, symptoms and illnesses.

Everything that our body and soul show us always makes sense and can be explained logically.

Western medicine often assumes that illnesses and symptoms are caused by a malfunction, a disorder or a defect. There are many old and new philosophies and sciences, such as TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), Ayurveda (traditional Indian art of healing = the knowledge of life), chakra theory (the science of energy), the new medicine or human design, which consider body, mind and soul to be inextricably linked.


We have forgotten how to read our body and soul.


The key lies in our feelings, especially in the feelings that we do not allow ourselves to feel.

My job is to help you translate the signs of your body into feelings and needs. When we know how we feel and what we need, we can begin to take care of ourselves, nurture and support ourselves.


You are the most important person in your life.

Topic Areas

  • Trauma

  • Life Crisis

  • Depression

  • Anxiety and Panic

  • Mourning

  • Stress

  • Sexuality

  • Relationship Issues

  • Allergies and Intolerance

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Therapy Options

  • Hypnoregulationtherapy

  • Acupressure - Emotional Freedom Technique

  • Psychological and Psychotherapeutic Counseling

  • Life Crisis Managment / Coaching

  • Talk Therapy

  • Couples Counseling

  • Reincarnation Work

  • Inner Child Work

Therapeutic Concepts


Transaction Analysis

  • Menschliches Miteinander
    verstehbar und gestaltbar
  • Persönlichkeitsentwicklung
    und Orientierung

Nonviolent Communication

  • Hinter jeder Handlung
    steckt ein Bedürfnis
  • Wertschätzung und Empathie
    im Miteinander

Neurolinguistic Programming

  • Umwandlung
    negativer Muster
  • Positive Glaubenssätze
    durch neue Verknüpfungen
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  • Therapiemethode nach Marietta Veit HP
  • Psychokinesiolgie und medizinische und psychotherapeutische Hypnose nach Götz Renartz

Emotional Freedom Techniques

  • Stressreduktion durch Akupressur
  • Entspannungstechniken aus der TCM

Anxiety Treatment according to Callahan - Acupressure

  • Meridianfeldtherapie
  • Lösen von Blockaden im Energiesystem
  • Linderung und Auflösung emotionaler Beschwerden

Life begins where the comfort zone ends.

I look forward to meeting you!


Alternative Practitioner (Heilpraktikerin) & Coach
Specialzed Nurse
in Intensiv Care and Anesthesia
Certified International Nurse
Registered Nurse (USA)

Bärbel Repik

Alternative Practitioner (Heilpraktikerin) & Coach

Schützenhausweg 47
70499 Stuttgart - Weilimdorf
0151 42026317
Cost of Treatment